Database Remap Files

Why Are They Cheaper?

Sometimes referred too as “Generic” or “Downloaded” files, database files are sourced from an exhaustive list of modified files previously made for engines. This means in essence that the mod file has already been made, the research and development done and it’s known to work on that particular type of engine. As no further development is required, we can lower the price…

No matter what make and model the engine is in, the file will work for it, so it is safe for the engine, however it can’t make the most out of your particular setup and it isn’t customisable without incurring additional cost!

What’s The Difference?

Database files are already in existence so the research and development has already taken place. Therefore the power improvements are already coded into the modified file and cannot be altered. Because the mod file is designed to work with the engine not necessarily the vehicle it’s in, there is extra safety built into the file. (BHP output is the same as a custom file, but how long that power stays in, is limited). 

Best way to describe it is “flash and go”. You get a noticeable improvement, but you could get more out of the engine and still be within the safe limits with a Custom Remap File

Why SHOULD I Choose One?

If you just want a noticeable improvement to impress your mates, but the car’s not worth all that much or your looking at changing the vehicle soon, then a database file might be right for you. 

However, its not the very best you can get out of the engine and it only comes with 14 day money back and 30 day software warranty. So for an extra £100 it might be worth upgrading, and get the very best we can offer you and your vehicle with a Custom Remap File

Database Remap File

  • 14 Day Money Back Guaranty
  • 30 Day Software Warranty

Custom Remap File

  • 30 Day Money Back Guaranty
  • Lifetime Software Warranty
  • £10,000 Electrical Mechanical Warranty
  • Choice Of Remap File
  • Hand Written File

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